Nao Daito

Retired sailor and tailor by trade


Name: Nao Daito
Age: 21 years old
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual (Heavy male lean)
Relationship Status: Polyamorous and bonded
Job Occupation: Tailor
and Weaver
Family: Bee Fujimoto(Mother)/Kenji Daito(Wife)/Valle Rehw-Dvre(Father-in-law)
Home: Kugane
Languages: Old Auri, Xaelic, Eorzean, and Doman.
Personality: A blind and soft himbo of a Xaela who tries to be friends with everyone he meets. Very stand offish at first, but quite warm once he gets to know you.


Food and Drink
Nao might not be the best cook nor the perfect bartender, but he adores sweets and good quality food. Having been raised by a master chef and now has a wife that runs her own bakery, Nao is spoiled to the nines with treats of all kinds. With an appetite bigger than a Roe's, expect the man to clean any plate you offer him.
Any mention of Limsa or the sea will grab Nao's attention quite quickly. He might be a retired sailor, but has a love for the open ocean more than he cares to admit. He will drone on and on about his experiences out on a ship with his captain and crew if given the chance.
Fabrics and threads is the easiest way to get the blue scaled Xaela talking and friendly with you right off the bat. As a renowned craftsman of custom kimonos from Kugane and his mastery of knitting yarn, this blind man can weave circles around anyone who tests his skill in tailor work.
Mature Themes
Nao might seem rather nervous and shy at first glance, but dig deep enough and you'll find yourself quite surprised with the skill he possess when it comes to such intimate moments. Those curious enough will find more than what they bargained for~


Kenji Daito, Nao's beloved wife and the Moon to his Sun. After meeting one day in the markets of Kugane and fighting tooth and claw for her hand in marriage, he would do anything to protect Kenji until he drew his last breath. Nao's wife has been the only woman he has grown such a deep and romantic love for, he can't even enter the same room as her without blushing like a school boy.

His beloved mother and only blood relative, Nao loves Bee to the ends of the Star they live upon. Having been his only parent growing up and someone he could always lean on when he needed help, his mother will always hold a special place in his soul. They also enjoy weekly tea sessions and chatting about their week, a set in stone routine for them.

Iphert, found his way into Nao's life after a chance meeting in a bar in Ishgard. They kicked off their friendship with their love for the arts and Nao encouraged Iphert to pursue his love for painting even more. After a couple more meetings, friendship turned into something more and now they are rather smitten with one another. Nao might not enjoy the cold, but he will make the trip to Ishgard to see his love.

Mattie, a sweet redheaded viera man with a love for music and even more love for his soft blue crocodile of a man. Nao's first love and someone he holds very dear to his heart, Mattie was the man that helped break the blue lizard out of his shell and helped Nao build the confidence he now has today.

A recent addition to his family, this charming Rava was brought into his familial circle via the bonding to Nao's mother. Though Nao is still somewhat unsure of how to feel about Valle, he trusts that this man will treat his mother well for as long as they are joined happily in union.


Hello my friend!
My name is Kat and I am 22 years old with she/her pronouns! I have been roleplaying for about 2.5 years now in the FFXIV RP scene and I am rather chill with most people. Feel free to approach, I promise I do not bite.
CST timezone
I prefer 21+ role-players please. MINORS DNI!!
Nao is currently in an poly relationship with his wife and is open to romantic advances.
I am currently in college and getting a degree in business along with playing a college sport so I am a busy bee! Please be respectful of my time and I will be respectful of yours. I greatly value my own free time and same with others as well.
Another thing to keep in mind is I own my own rp venues and work at another on an alt character so I will have evenings that I can be found at these venues or if you wish for my time outside of a venue, please just DM me or send me a tell. I am quick to respond and would be happy to set up a day and time.
Discord: katrainthetrain


Here are da RULES
Consent is Key with me. If you have any questions about any subject matter you wish to write with me that you are unsure about, please ask. I am always willing to listen.
Please respect my boundaries with anything that I state I find uncomfortable. This also includes IC does not equal OOC. I am happily single at the moment and do not have time for that so please respect my wishes.
I participate in more mature RP with dark themes sometimes. If you wish to write private scenes with me, you agree that you are 21 or older before we even begin.
I write just about anything from intense battle rp, sexual themed rp which includes BDSM/ kinks if you so desire along with dark themed rp. As long as you communicate what you want with an rp with me and draw boundaries where needed, we can have a great time roleplaying together!
I have a life outside of this game and a college degree to finish so please be respectful of my IRL obligations.